Meaning of BEAN`
WordNet Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
- [n] informal terms for a human head
- [n] any of various edible seeds of plants of the family Leguminosae
- [n] any of various leguminous plants grown for their edible seeds and pods
- [n] any of various seeds or fruits suggestive of beans
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| Synonyms: | | attic, bean plant, bonce, dome, edible bean, noggin, noodle |
| See Also: | | algarobilla, algarroba, algarroba bean, algarrobilla, bean, bean, bean plant, broad bean, calabar bean, carob, carob bean, common bean, common bean, common bean plant, coumara nut, divi-divi, Dutch case-knife bean, edible bean, Fabaceae, family Fabaceae, family Leguminosae, fava bean, goa bean, horsebean, human head, legume, legume, legume family, Leguminosae, leguminous plant, locust bean, locust pod, ordeal bean, pea family, Phaseolus coccineus, Phaseolus multiflorus, Phaseolus vulgaris, runner bean, scarlet runner, scarlet runner bean, seed, shell bean, shell bean plant, soy, soy, soyabean, soybean, soybean, tonka bean | |
Products Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Bean Bean more details ... |
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
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\Bean\ (b[=e]n), n. [OE. bene, AS. be['a]n; akin to D.
boon, G. bohne, OHG. p[=o]na, Icel. baun, Dan. b["o]nne, Sw.
b["o]na, and perh. to Russ. bob, L. faba.]
1. (Bot.) A name given to the seed of certain leguminous
herbs, chiefly of the genera {Faba}, {Phaseolus}, and
{Dolichos}; also, to the herbs.
Note: The origin and classification of many kinds are still
doubtful. Among true beans are: the black-eyed bean and
China bean, included in {Dolichos Sinensis}; black
Egyptian bean or hyacinth bean, {D. Lablab}; the common
haricot beans, kidney beans, string beans, and pole
beans, all included in {Phaseolus vulgaris}; the lower
bush bean, {Ph. vulgaris}, variety {nanus}; Lima bean,
{Ph. lunatus}; Spanish bean and scarlet runner, {Ph.
maltiflorus}; Windsor bean, the common bean of England,
{Faba vulgaris}. As an article of food beans are
classed with vegetables.
2. The popular name of other vegetable seeds or fruits, more
or less resembling true beans.
{Bean aphis} (Zo["o]l.), a plant louse ({Aphis fab[ae]})
which infests the bean plant.
{Bean fly} (Zo["o]l.), a fly found on bean flowers.
{Bean goose} (Zo["o]l.), a species of goose ({Anser
{Bean weevil} (Zo["o]l.), a small weevil that in the larval
state destroys beans. The American species in {Bruchus
{Florida bean} (Bot.), the seed of {Mucuna urens}, a West
Indian plant. The seeds are washed up on the Florida
shore, and are often polished and made into ornaments.
{Ignatius bean}, or {St. Ignatius's bean} (Bot.), a species
of {Strychnos}.
{Navy bean}, the common dried white bean of commerce;
probably so called because an important article of food in
the navy.
{Pea bean}, a very small and highly esteemed variety of the
edible white bean; -- so called from its size.
{Sacred bean}. See under {Sacred}.
{Screw bean}. See under {Screw}.
{Sea bean}.
(a) Same as {Florida bean}.
(b) A red bean of unknown species used for ornament.
{Tonquin bean}, or {Tonka bean}, the fragrant seed of
{Dipteryx odorata}, a leguminous tree.
{Vanilla bean}. See under {Vanilla}.
\ [Prob. fr. a native name.] (Bot.)
The seed of the wild licorice ({Abrus precatorius}) used by
the people of India for beads in rosaries and necklaces, as a
standard weight, etc.; -- called also {jumble bead}.
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | JavaBeans |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | a continental, a curse, a damn, a darn, a hoot, algae, aubergine, autophyte, bagatelle, bauble, beans, belfry, bibelot, bit, bracken, brain, brass farthing, brow, brown algae, button, cabbage, cent, climber, conferva, confervoid, conk, creeper, crown, curio, diatom, dome, eggplant, encephalon, farce, farthing, feather, fern, fig, fleabite, folderol, fribble, frippery, fruits and vegetables, fucus, fungus, gaud, gewgaw, gimcrack, grapevine, gray matter, green algae, greens, gulfweed, hair, halfpenny, head, headpiece, herb, heterophyte, hill of beans, Irish potato, ivy, jest, joke, kelp, kickshaw, knickknack, knickknackery, Kraut, legume, legumes, lentil, liana, lichen, liverwort, love apple, mad apple, minikin, mockery, mold, molehill, moss, mushroom, noddle, noggin, noodle, organ of thought, parasite, parasitic plant, pate, pea, peppercorn, perthophyte, phytoplankton, picayune, pieplant, pin, pinch of snuff, pinprick, planktonic algae, plant families, poll, potato, potherbs, produce, puffball, pulse, rap, red algae, red cent, rhubarb, ridge, rockweed, row of pins, rush, rust, saprophyte, sargasso, sargassum, sconce, sea lentil, sea moss, sea wrack, seat of thought, seaweed, sensation, sensorium, sensory, shit, smut, snap, sneeshing, sou, spud, straw, succulent, tater, toadstool, tomato, toy, trifle, trinket, triviality, tuppence, two cents, twopence, vegetables, vetch, vine, whim-wham, white potato, wort, wrack |